CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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From Africa to CQ, scholarship extends academic journey 

Gaboratanelwe Salima's academic journey had been threatening to stall before she earned a BMA Community Scholarship to enrol in a Bachelor of Medical Science with CQUniversity, specialising in Clinical Investigation...

Living first in Rockhampton and Clermont and then Dysart, the young mother was struggling to find work and to pay school fees for her son Mphatso but the scholarship from BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) has enabled her to pursue a cherished profession.

PhotoID:14641, CQUniversity VC Scott Bowman congratulates Gaboratanelwe Salima on her progress thanks to the BMA Community Scholarship
CQUniversity VC Scott Bowman congratulates Gaboratanelwe Salima on her progress thanks to the BMA Community Scholarship

Ms Salima is currently based in Rockhampton but would consider returning to the coalfields to seek employment after graduation.

She first arrived in Australia from Botswana in 2007 and has been celebrating her life and achievements despite many challenges along the way.

"Singing and travelling are my important hobbies which I don't believe I can live without. I sing for every season and I travel to refresh and recharge and look at things with a different perspective. I also play softball a little and love cooking," she says.

"I studied accounting and business studies while I was in Botswana. One of my milestones is coming to Australia and starting all over, facing everything and continuing with my education and taking care of my son despite the obstacles and not having my family to encourage and support me.

"It has been a challenge coming from a big family to standing on my own as well as being a mum to a child with health issues but I am thanking God that everyday I get to get up and do it."

* The BMA Community and Indigenous Scholarship Program is designed to attract students who demonstrate the need and desire to contribute to their local region. The Program offers 10 Community Scholarships as well as five Indigenous Scholarships, for students enrolling in non-mining related study programs like nursing, teaching, healthcare or business. Each of the scholarships provides up to $5000 per year to cover educational expenses for the duration of the recipients' study programs. Details are available at www.cqu.edu.au/bma or via 07 4930 9456.

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