CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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PhotoID:15001, Forum participants L-R Professor Barry Golding, Jan Crowley, Assoc Prof Bobby Harreveld, Shelley Truscott and Sally Thompson

Adult learning peak body visits, calls for 'reassessment'

The president of Australia's peak adult learning body, Professor Barry Golding has visited Rockhampton for a forum calling for a reassessment of adult education in Australia.

CQUniversity hosted the forum at its Ron Smyth Building in Quay Street.

 Full Details…

2013-07-08 09:52:31.0

  • Queensland workplaces challenged to 'step' up and be counted
    Published on 09 January, 2013

    There's no doubt that increasing the levels of physical activity in our lives is a challenge but the workplace can now provide some important steps towards success..

  • CQUni study to empower agricultural opportunities in Nepal
    Published on 09 January, 2013

    CQUniversity will further strengthen its work in Nepal with a research project targeted at improving working and living conditions in mandarin-producing areas in the western and mid-western regions of Nepal.

    Dr Phul Subedi, Dr Wendy Hillman, Professor Kerry Walsh and Garry Fullelove were successful in gaining a $417,875 AusAID grant for ‘Structures to improve entrepreneurial activity: a case study around citrus producers of Nepal'.

  • Karuna scoops up award for soil science
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    CQUniversity’s Dr Karuna Shrestha has been awarded the Soil Science Australia (Queensland Branch) Postgraduate Award for Excellence in Soil Science for 2012..

  • Milestone reached as HealthTrain students graduate under CQUni banner
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    Thirteen graduates from HealthTrain's Diploma of Enrolled Nursing program were among the first cohort of students to be presented with their graduation certificates since the organisation became part of CQUniversity.

    In a significant ‘dual sector' milestone, the students joined 133 university graduates at CQUniversity Melbourne's Graduation ceremony.

  • New approach to 'progress' in Noosa
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    A new model for sustainability education was recently trialled as students from the University of Georgia, Athens (UGA) in the United States visited Noosa and interacted with actors from Noosa Arts Theatre as well as CQUniversity staff and Noosa Biosphere representatives.

    This is the seventh group of students from UGA who have visited Noosa over the past two years and the students rate their Noosa experience as the highlight of their Australian and New Zealand experience.

  • New education alliance forges links between CQ region and Darwin
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    CQUniversity and Charles Darwin University have drawn on their respective 'power of place' to contribute to the development of a 'Tropical Energy and Engineering Alliance'..

  • Revamped scholarship site gives students more options
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    Students interested in applying for a scholarship through CQUniversity can do so more quickly and easily thanks to an interactive and updated scholarship webpage.

    The new page provides a much simpler way to navigate through more than 70 scholarships open to new and current students across all disciplines and campuses at CQUniversity including scholarship type, study level and year of study.

  • Visiting diabetes expert initiates study for CQ region
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    Academics from CQUniversity and Curtin University will work together on a collaborative study to improve control and treatment of diabetes in the Central Queensland region.

    The partnership was formed from a recent Health CRN Short-Term Exchange Program where Dr Hani Al-Salami from Curtin University spent time with various research groups at CQUniversity.

  • Creativity and culture not lost in translation
    Published on 08 January, 2013

    International students at CQUniversity Sydney have been inspired to put pen to paper and describe their time as a student in a foreign country.

    The students, whose second language is English, are from Brazil, China, Indonesia and Nepal and are enrolled in a range of disciplines at CQUniversity.