Dr Proctor background
Published on 07 July, 2009
Name: Dr Marie‐Thérèse Proctor
Qualifications: BA (Psychology/Religious Studies), BA (Hons Psych), PhD (Psychology)
Interests: Dr. Marie‐Therese Proctor is a psychologist and researcher with interests in:
(i) Spirituality and its relationship to psychological health (esp. attachment to God; spiritual maturity; and spiritual assessment);
(ii) Child and family psychosocial experiences associated with managing childhood life‐limiting and life‐threatening illnesses;
(iii) Family systems and health (e.g. Bowen theory and therapy).
Her PhD entitled ‘he God Attachment Interview Schedule: Implicit and explicit assessment of attachment to God' included the development of tools for assessing attachment to God representations. She continues to research and develop assessment tools in this area through the Australasian Centre for Studies in Spirituality and is currently a consulting supervisor for PhD candidates who are exploring:
(i) Spiritual transformation in First‐generation Christians within a cross‐cultural study with Educational Implications and Applications; and
(ii) Attachment to God as a source of struggle and strength: Exploring the association between Christian's experience of their relationship with God and their emotional wellbeing.
She is also part of a multi‐disciplinary team at the Children' Hospital at Westmead which is exploring the experiences of families caring for children and adolescents living with, and dying from life‐limiting and life threatening conditions. In addition she has a personal background of nearly 20 years caring for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities and medical conditions.
Her current academic appointments and contribution to supporting academia include: Adjunct Research Fellow, International Program for Psycho‐Social Health Research (IPP‐SHR): Central Queensland University,
Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Spirituality: Australian College of Ministries (ACOM)
Research Fellow, Australasian Centre for Studies in Spirituality (ACSS)
2009 Member, Academic Board of Studies, Salvation Army: Booth College, Australia
2008‐ongoing Member, Academic Board of Studies, Australian College of Ministries, Australia
2009 Member, Executive Board, Psychology and Spirituality Society, University of Western
2008‐ongoing Member of the Executive Board, Australasian Centre for Studies in Spirituality, Australia
Major Research Works
Proctor, MT. (2006). The God Attachment Interview Schedule: Implicit and explicit assessment of attachment to God, Doctoral Dissertation (Psychology): School of Psychology, University of Western Sydney, Australia.Proctor, MT. (1998).
Attachment to God: Is it a viable concept? : The relationship between attachment to God, child and adult attachment experiences, God concept and the quality and nature of relationship with God. Psychology Honours Thesis: School of Psychology, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
Journal Publications
Proctor, M‐T., & McLean, L. (2008). Reviewing the place of the spiritual domain in the clinical and psychotherapeutic setting: Framing and assessing issues within an attachment perspective, Psychology & Spirituality 2008 Monograph, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
Proctor, M‐T. (2009). In sickness and in health: Including the spiritual domain as an aspect of psychological assessment, Australian Psychological Society InPsych Journal, August Edition, Australia.
Book Chapter
Stevens, M.M., Rytmeister, R.J., Proctor, M‐T., & Bolster, P. (2009). Children with life-threatening or life‐limiting illnesses: A dispatch from the frontlines. In appear in C.A. Corr, C. A., & D.E. Balk (Eds.), Children's encounters with death, bereavement, and coping. New York: Springer.
Curriculum Development chapters
Proctor, M.T., Dowson, M., & Whiteley, S. (2009). Personal Formation Session 5: A Psychology of Personal Formation ‐ Attachment Theory. Sydney: Australian College of Ministries.
Proctor, M. T., Dowson, M., & Whiteley, S. (2009). Personal Formation Session 6: Attachment to God. Sydney: Australian College of Ministries.
Paper in proof:
Stevens, M., Lord, B., Proctor, M‐T., Nagy, S., & O'iordan, E. (in proof). Research with vulnerable families caring for children with life‐limiting conditions, Submitted to the Qualitative Health Research Journal, Resubmitted March, 2009.
Papers in revision
Proctor, MT.,Miner, M., & Dowson, M. (2008). The relationship between attachment to God, psychological health and spiritual maturity Submitted to Review of Religious Research, January, 2008 ‐ currently responding to reviewers'comments
Proctor, M‐T., Miner, M., McLean, L., Devenish, S., & Ghobary‐Bonab, B. (2009). Exploring Christians'explicit attachment to God representations: The development of a template for assessing ATG experiences
Submitted to the Journal of Psychology & Theology, January 2009 ‐ currently responding to reviewers'comments
Papers in review
Ghobary‐Bonab, B., Miner, M., & Proctor, M‐T. (2009) Attachment to God in Islamic Spirituality; Submitted to the Muslim Journal of Mental Health, January 2009.
Miner, M., Ghobary‐Bonab, B., & Proctor, M‐T. (2009) Spiritual Attachment in Islam and Christianity: Similarities and Differences, Submitted to the Journal of Psychology and Theology, January 2009.
Papers in progress
Proctor, M.T., McLean, L., & Miner, M. (in progress). Conceptualizing the secure base function of God: Implications for spiritual maturity To be submitted to Journal of Psychology and Theology.
Proctor, M.T., & Nagy, S. (in progress) Facilitating a smooth shift to the adult healthcare system for young people diagnosed with life‐limiting conditions To be submitted to The Qualitative Report.
Proctor, M.T., & Nagy, S. (in progress) ‘I'm living and I'm dying': A glimpse into the emotional world of young people diagnosed with life limiting conditions: To be submitted to Qualitative Research in Psychology.
Proctor, M.T., & Nagy, S. (in progress) ‘Out of the mouth of babes': 8‐12 year children diagnosed with a life‐limiting condition. Part 1: The illness journey experience To be submitted to Illness, Crisis and Loss.
Proctor, M.T., & Nagy, S. (in progress) ‘Out of the mouth of babes': 8‐12 year children diagnosed with a life‐limiting condition. Part 2: Coping with the journey To be submitted to Illness, Crisis and Loss.
Chapter in progress
Proctor, M.T., & McInerney, J. (in progress) Building quality relationships with parents of children with special needs. Physical As Anything (PAA): Collaborative support for students with physical and medical conditions (3rd edition) (2009), Collaboration between Children's Hospital at Westmead & New South Wales Department of Education and Training.