Officials from major Indian city impressed by CQU Sydney
Published on 30 May, 2006
The Mayor and President of Ahmedahad, one of India's major cities, were impressed during a recent informal visit to CQU Sydney's postgraduate campus (May 12).
That is according to Indian student Nachiket Joshi (a Sydney Campus Student Association commitee member), whose political party connections came in handy when arranging the visit.
The Mayor Amit Shah and President Dharmendra Shah were in Australia on an official mayoral visit, but found time to inspect the campus and meet with around 50 Indian students.
Mr Joshi, a Master of Information Systems student, said the visitors were full of praise for the facilities, technology and level of tutorial support they witnessed.
Photo: MIS student Nachiket Joshi (right) with CQU Sydney campus director Barbara Abou-Lehaf and the visitors from Ahmedahad City, including City Mayor Amit Shah (centre) and City President Dharmendra Shah and family members. Also pictured (third from left) is CQU Arts student Ms Vaidehi Bhatt, who helped with the visit.