Sydney hosts end-of-term barbecue
Published on 17 October, 2006
CQU Sydney International Undergraduate Campus recently hosted an end-of-term barbecue for all students and staff.
Participants were invited to relax and chat over sausage sandwiches and soft drinks. The event gave students and staff the opportunity to socialise in a relaxed environment.
Although the weather was a little overcast, the rain held off so participants could chat about the past term’s activities and discuss their plans for Term 3.
Students discussed whether they should study or have a holiday, either in Australia or back in their home country.
A second barbecue was held Friday evening after sunset for those students who had been participating in Ramadan.
Photo: CQU Sydney Undergraduate Campus Director Barbara Abou-Lehaf (centre) with other staff and students at the barbecue - (from left) Vitalijs Lovcinovskis, Vladislavs Dovjats, Kai Man Wong, Shing Shun Lin, Zheyin Qi, Erwan Santoso, Campus Quality Manager Geoff Clark and Associate Director Academic Dr Stephen Howlett.