Rest assured: Study aims to examine Aussie paramedics fighting fatigue
Published on 24 January, 2013
They are the nation's unsung heroes, the first ones we call when an emergency or disaster strikes and they are considered Australia's most trusted professionals.
However the work of a paramedic can be physically, mentally and emotionally demanding and often the biggest challenge facing paramedics is fatigue.
A new CQUniversity study aims to identify strategies to promote resilience to fatigue in Australian paramedics - hoping to improve the way that paramedics cope in the workplace.
The research will be carried out by CQUniversity sleep and emergency service experts in conjunction with paramedics who are working or who have worked in the industry.
Lead researcher Dr Jessica Paterson will investigate fatigue in paramedics.Lead researcher Dr Jessica Paterson, who has a background in research assessing sleep, working time, fatigue and wellbeing in shift workers, says currently there are only two published studies which investigate fatigue and the effects it has on Australian paramedics including reduced sleep quality, depression, anxiety and stress related to their work.
"These findings reveal that Australia paramedics experience significant sleep disturbance and fatigue, which have negative consequences for performance and safety," Dr Paterson said.
"Perhaps more importantly, these findings highlight the risks for paramedics' mental health and wellbeing as a result of fatigue."
The research will involve interviews and discussions with 40 paramedics across Australia including how they are affected by fatigue and the common strategies they use to cope with fatigue at work. The study will also use Critical Incident Technique, whereby the interviewed paramedics will be asked to recall an incident of fatigue at work and describe how it was managed.
Dr Paterson will work with Dr Brett Williams, who has first-hand understanding of the paramedic occupation and a substantial track record of conducting and publishing research in this field, and will be mentored by Professor Brian Maguire, who has worked in the EMS field for over 35 years as a paramedic, educator, supervisor and administrator.
It expected the final report will be submitted for publication in December 2013.