CQU a leader in international student benchmarking report
Published on 18 January, 2006
IDP benchmarking research for Australian universities in Term 2 2005 shows a continuation of CQU's excellent results from previous reports.
The research is based on CQU's overall Term 2 international student enrolment of 10,541 (of which 59% are postgraduate and 41% undergraduate). It reports an enrolment of 9479 onshore (within Australia) on campus, which represents 48% of CQU's total enrolments.
CQU International's Mary Pitcher has highlighted the following points.
CQU is first in Queensland for the most international full-degree students onshore and second placed nationally (same placings as in T1 2005).
CQU is first in Queensland for international students on-campus at offshore locations and 13th nationally (up from 16th place in Term 1 2005).
CQU is first nationally for student numbers from India, Bangladesh, Taiwan,Thailand, Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, Slovakia, Czech R, Poland, Hungary, Uzbekistan & Ukraine.
All Australian universities' international enrolments increased overall by 4.8% whereas CQU's increased by 26.8% in all combined categories (full degrees, study abroad, etc).
For the category of full-degree international students only, CQU's increase was 31% compared to the Australian increase of 5.2%.
CQU has maintained its numbers in the 'Flex' enrolment category compared to a decrease of 25.6% Australia-wide.
CQU growth for onshore on-campus includes a 65.3% increase from India, a 45.3% increase from China, a 32.5% increase from Bangladesh and a 20.1% increase from Thailand. These are our top four source countries.