Engineering careers nurtured
Published on 06 July, 2010
CQUniversity has been inspiring high school students this week to think of engineering as a possible career through the Engineering Link Project (EngLink).
Forty students from around the region attended the program which was held on the Rockhampton campus this week (June 29 to July 1).
Matthew Challen from St Lukes Anglican School in Bundaberg enjoyed making leggo machines as part of the EngLink program.The three-day program provided year 11 and 12 students with opportunities to apply their maths and science knowledge to practical projects, in collaboration with engineers from different disciplines.
One of these activities required students to building mechanical, moving machines out of leggo, while making bridges out of tissue and string also proved popular.
CQUniversity's marketing department seized the opportunity to provide a role model presentation by a current Engineering Co-op student and also provided information about possible careers and study opportunities in engineering through the University.
The Engineering Link Project is an initiative of the Engineering Link Group, a not for profit organisation established to facilitate the introduction of secondary school students to the discipline of engineering.
Engineering Link Group's Director Greg Millican said the Engineering Link Project was founded on two basic principles: reversing the decline in the uptake of science and maths subjects by high school students; and developing the knowledge high school students have of the engineering field.
Yeppoon State High School's Danica Platts was proud of her leggo masterpiece designed and produced as part of the EngLink program."By providing students with an opportunity to solve real engineering problems and gain insight into the operations of practising engineers, we hope to increase the number of students taking up engineering as a career, or at least think about it as an option," Mr Millican said.