CQUniversity Australia

Engaging Indigenous people within Higher Ed

CQUniversity's Office of Indigenous Engagement recently hosted a visit from the Oodgeroo Unit of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), at Rockhampton Campus.

Professor Anita Lee Hong, Director of the Oodgeroo Unit, and Lone Pearce, Project Officer, met with Office of Indigenous Engagement staff to discuss employment issues and best practice models for engaging Indigenous people within the higher education sector, including governance matters.

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Many legs make light work 

Millipede expert Dr Robert Mesibov, a research associate from the University of Tasmania, will be visiting Rockhampton in mid-March to collect millipedes. He and a German colleague are particularly chasing fresh specimens and DNA 'vouchers' of a millipede species last definitely collected in Rockhampton around 1866.

The millipede in question is approximately 25mm long and called a pill millipede (see http://www.flickr.com/photos/imbala/5614999744/ ).

PhotoID:14069, Photo by Imbala on flickr
Photo by Imbala on flickr

Millipedes, of which there are more than 10,000 species worldwide, are important detritivores and recyclers.  Pill millipedes are native bugs and quite harmless, feeding mainly on fungi and algae in our forests. 

If you've seen these millipedes in or near the city, please make contact via Dr Bob Newby, CQUniversity School of Medical and Applied Science (b.newby@cqu.edu.au) or phone 4930 9626 and leave a message.