Staff Service Awards
Published on 22 November, 2010
Recipients of a 15-Year Service Award
Scot Aldred; Nanjappa Ashwath; John Barnes; Trinity Harris; Lyn Hawke; Lindy Isdale; David Jorgensen; Alan Keen; Ingrid Kennedy; Mitchell McClanachan; Jenny Roberts; Kerry Rodda; Linda Sait; Gail Tucker; Kate Ames; Cathy Clark; Geoff Davis; Steve Hansen; Trevor Hoffman; Victor Korotkikh; David Midmore; David Nicholson; Chris Parry; Julie Reading; David Rossiter; Angelika Schlotzer; Jan Thomson; Wei Wang.
Recipients of a 25-Year Service Award
Robyn Alcock; Cathy Dennis; Michael Gregory; Paul BoydRecipient of a 35-Year Service Award
Gene Dayton (retired in October 2010)