Christina's yearning for learning easy as ABC
Published on 19 August, 2008
For CQUniversity PhD candidate Christina Hunt, following her yearning for learning has been as easy as ABC ... ABC TV that is.
Christina's doctoral research project has been bringing long overdue recognition to the work of 4 early ABC TV documentary filmmakers.
Her other research project, funded via her Faculty, is researching and re-discovering the story of ABC TV in Rockhampton from 1963-1985.
Christina is among many students who have built careers with the help of scholarships from the CQUniversity Office of Research.
"The past several years studying, in particular as a research higher degree student at CQUniversity, have brought me an enormous amount of personal satisfaction, as well as a quiet sense of achievement," Christina said.
"During my postgraduate study, for instance, unstinting support and guidance from CQUniversity academic and administration staff has meant that I have been able fulfil a long-held goal of becoming totally immersed in researching my chosen field of study - communication and media.
"Postgraduate study is something I highly recommend to anyone who yearns to know more.
"Having come to university later in life rather than sooner, I still felt there was much more I needed to learn and wanted to learn.
"Film, media, and communication as lifelong interests have been at the core of both my undergraduate, and postgraduate studies.
"Along the way, I have discovered not only much about these early filmmakers and their work, but also much about myself."
Christina Hunt