Background on the Opal Awards
Published on 22 November, 2010
The Opal Awards celebrate those who build relationships that support the development of sustainable communities and an equally sustainable CQUniversity.
Central Queensland's opals, like CQUniversity, have a rich history in the Central Queensland region. In fact, Central Queensland's opals in many ways mirror CQUniversity's engagement activities as...
...opals are forged by the forces in the Central Queensland region, their brilliant colours and charm reflect the nature, essence and beauty of the region and our ‘power of place' and they add to our regional identity and prosperity. Their exceptional beauty and value personifies the trust and reciprocity that our relationships are built on. Opals represent loyalty, connectedness and communication and are said to aid the wearer in seeing unlimited opportunities.
The Opal Award for excellence in engagement aims to recognise and encourage exceptional engagement projects by CQUniversity staff collaborating with external communities. By matching our University's resources with the needs of our region we will become a true community asset.