Staff and students 'in step' with Gladstone festival
Published on 04 August, 2009
CQUniversity Gladstone staff and students showed they were in step with the flavour of their city's Multicultural Festival recently.
A PhD student from Iran, Reza Chini took part in an Indian Bollywood dance with Shilpi Chattopadhyay (daughter of staff members Kakoli Chattopadhyay and Gopi Chattopadhyay) and Gagan and Mani from the Gladstone community.
Staff and students gather at the festival
It was a spectacular display of colourful costumes and artistic rhythm and the audience expressed its enjoyment.
Meanwhile, PhD student Rajkumar Devadoss took part in a cultural display stall and PhD student Vineet Varma helped in taking photos.
Shilpi and Gagan show their dance skills
Mani, Gagan, Shilpi and Reza ready to perform