Andrew Woodley BIO
Published on 20 April, 2009
BMiningEng(Hons) UNSW, MBA Canada is the General Manager Operations at the Hail Creek Mine, for Rio Tinto Coal Australia. He has a background in exploration mining in Canada and management consulting in mining and manufacturing in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and the USA. Andrew initially worked on the development of Rio Tinto's Aluminium Comalco Alumina Refinery in Gladstone in the 1990's, before moving to the Bell Bay Aluminium smelter. He also served as the Executive and Chairman of Rio Tinto, based in London.
Andrew has been at the helm of Hail Creek for the last two years, overseeing record production and improved safety performance. In 2008 he was proud to see Hail Creek honoured with the award for Australian Mining Coal Mine of the Year