Evacuee still has hope for his home
Published on 06 January, 2011
Joe Pitman's home maybe totally submerged in flood waters but he is not letting it ruin his spirit.
With reports that the roof of his shed home in York Street in Park Avenue is no longer visible he is staying positive and even supporting other flood victims around him.
Joe Pitman is staying positive despite the possibility of losing all his life's possessions."You have to be hopeful because we won't know how bad it really is until we can get back home and see it," Joe explained.
"I'm keeping my spirits up and hope to help others do the same."
Meanwhile, Joe is thankful for the accommodation at the evacuation centre set up at CQUniversity's Sports Complex. Joe was among 130 evacuees at the centre in Rockhampton today.
"We're very grateful we are here. The Uni has been great to let us use this building and the volunteers from all of the organisations like the Red Cross and Salvos have been fantastic."
"It's been real generosity from real people."
A number of flood victims came together yesterday at the centre to write a poem to express their emotions about the flood and the support they have received.
You can read the poem here. Click on it to enlarge.
Joe's dog has also found accommodation on campus at the RSPCA's animal refuge on the University's basketball courts behind the Sports Complex.
Being on CQUniversity's campus brings back old memories for Joe as he spent many hours here when his mother was a student some years ago.
Joe's mother Judith Ivory first came to CQUniversity as a STEPS (Skills for Tertiary Entrance Preparatory Studies) student and later graduated from the Bachelor of Nursing program.
He remembers enjoying numerous campus facilities including the old Bird Cage Bar. He even thought he would treat a few of the flood victims to a drink at the bar until he was told that the bar had closed down some years ago.
The campus experience has also brought back dreams of furthering his own education.
"I've often thought about studying the STEPS program and even phoned up to get information from time to time. Now I think I might actually do it."