Popular theatrical production crosses boundaries
Published on 04 December, 2002
A production that reflects the talent of Crossroad Arts Theatre and Opera North members continues to attract large crowds in Mackay.
Opera North chair Donald Alexander said the success of the production reflected input by local talent in writing the music, script and creating other unusual multimedia components.
“Music, theatre, video, puppetry and 3D modelling provides an intriguing medium for the audience and actors alike,” he said.
“In addition to the use of quality multimedia, the performance is also unique because it has developed the talents of a number of people with disabilities.
The performance, entitled ‘A hole in my shoe’, details the impact memories have on a local family’s life. It plays at the 418 Shakespeare Street until December 7.
Opera North conceived the production concept, which has been developed by writer/director Steve Mayer-Miller with support from Arts Queensland and Central Queensland University.