CQCM lecturer interviewed for TIME magazine
Published on 18 August, 2006
CQCM lecturer, Kim Kirkman has once again made the news but this time has been interviewed by TIME magazine.
Elizabeth Keenan, TIME magazine journalist, heard about Kim’s work with the Mackay Choral Society as Music Director for its up and coming production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera 'The Gondoliers' and thought it sounded like a good story.
Kim was thrilled to not only have been interviewed but also to see the article published in the most recent TIME magazine under the ‘Australia Journeys’ section of the famous mag.
The article focuses on the team spirit and good times had by the members of the Choral Society at rehearsal with Kim. The necessity to love music is highlighted as the only prerequisite for a spot with the group's production.
The article can be viewed at:.
www.time.com/time/pacific/magazine/article/0,13673,503060814-1223433,00.html .
Photo above: The most recent edition of TIME magazine features a story on CQCM lecturer Kim Kirkman and his work with the Mackay Choral Society.