Ten Tenors tenure talk of town
Published on 06 November, 2008
Mackay's City Life Magazine has profiled CQUniversity lecturer Kim Kirkman's musical career, including his 4 years directing the renowned Ten Tenors.
The feature by Rachel Licciardello tells of Kim's travels in Europe, his serendipitous leadership of the Ten Tenors and how his romance with fellow teacher Beth Allen brought him back to settle in the Mackay district (where they now have a 2-year-old daughter).
A clipping from City Life Magazine
Apart from working for the Central Queensland Conservatorium of Music (CQCM) and conducting the Mackay Choral Society, Kim partners Beth in a production company called BAKK Studios (http://www.bakkstudios.com/ ).
Kim got involved with the Ten Tenors when they were formed for a (supposedly) one-off performance for Channel Ten's 25th birthday.
The feature explains the group evolved into a popular ensemble and that Kim volunteered to take charge when the original musical director pulled out.
Meanwhile, the current Ten Tenors line-up performed at this week's Melbourne Cup carnival. CQCM Bachelor of Music Theatre graduate (2005) Steven Sowden is now in the group.