PhD student provides radio commentary on Taiwan election
Published on 27 February, 2012
CQUniversity PhD candidate Stephen Lin had a busy start to the year as he provided Mandarin commentary on the Taiwan elections for both the Radio Australia and SBS Mandarin programs, while he was visiting the country in January.
Chinese audiences throughout Australia enjoyed the timely and fair commentary and good summary of recent history across the Taiwan Straits.
Stephen Lin
Stephen was able to witness the 'passionate and fierce campaigning' throughout the Taiwan election period. He commented on good Basic Law for Taiwanese indigenous peoples' rights involving status parallel to the Constitution, with a proportion of aboriginal representation guaranteed.
On another front, Stephen has been developing and guest-presenting a Bilingual WTO Law subject for Central China's Zhengzhou University Law School. This subject has been approved as a 'Course of Excellence'.
"Any international law subjects delivered in English are in demand for the Chinese law schools," Stephen says.
"International trade disputes have hindered Chinese progress for last two decades. China wants to train more lawyers with bilingual skills and international exposure. They are fascinated by such cooperation to provide a full English specialist course by someone who has known both cultures for so long."