Water experts present public seminar
Published on 07 September, 2006
CQU’s Primary Industries Research Centre, in conjunction with the Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Health, will host a free public seminar in Rockhampton (and ISL links to Mackay, Bundaberg, Gladstone, Emerald and QUT) on “Water and Water Recycling” next Monday (September 18) from 6.30pm.
Water experts Dr Les Dawes (Queensland University of Technology), Dr Bob Patterson (Lanfax Laboratories) and Ben Kele (CQU) will provide an insight into on-site and decentralized water systems, soil and water quality, water recycling, sustainable housing, local government issues and irrigation.
Dr Les Dawes has conducted research into the long-term effects on soil that receives on-site waste-water. In his presentation Dr Dawes will discuss how water quality and on-site systems impact on solid and potentially groundwater. Examples will be drawn from his PhD research as well as other recent investigations conducted by QUT.
Dr Bob Patterson will discuss the accuracy of water testing through laboratory certified organisations and will shed light on some results. He will disclose how water and soil testing have to cope with significant variables.
Ben Kele has been researching a variety of on-site and decentralised water and wastewater systems for use in domestic and commercial markets. The main aim of his research has been to develop and promote sustainable technologies that protect both public and environmental health.
Mr Kele’s presentation will discuss the results from Rockhampton’s Research House project into sustainable housing and the development and commercialisation of the Kele Effluent Wastewater Treatment (KEWT) System. Topics will include water-use efficiency, legislative requirements, and wastewater characteristics.
Light snacks will be served (free of charge) from 6pm in the courtyard between Buildings 29 and 30 before the event. To RSVP for the seminar phone Ben Kele on 4923 2023 or email b.kele@cqu.edu.au by Thursday September 14.
Photo: Ben Kele.