CQUni teachers awarded nationally for enriching student experience
Published on 13 July, 2010
Mackay, Gladstone and Rockhampton-based staff cited.
Three CQUniversity staff have been selected to receive 2010 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning by the Australian Learning & Teaching Council (ALTC): Judith Brown, Helen Holden and Professor Robert Reed.
A total of 193 citations have been made to 39 institutions nationwide by the ALTC, a national body dedicated to improving the student learning experience by supporting quality teaching and practice.
The citations, valued at $10,000 each, were awarded to staff who demonstrated sustained dedication to improving the quality of the student learning experience.
Judith Brown, a Senior Lecturer with the School of Creative and Performing Arts at the Conservatorium at CQUniversity Mackay, was recognised for 'sustained learning engagement and motivation of students through her presentation of inspirational lecture recitals'.
"Which is music to our ears," said CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor Scott Bowman.
"The professional interaction I have with students who perform with me in these public lecture recitals creates further opportunities to mentor them as performers and challenge them to reflect critically on their own development as creative practitioners," explained Judith.
CQUniversity Gladstone's Helen Holden, a Course Coordinator for Language and Learning at STEPS, one of CQUniversity's free enabling programs, was acknowledged 'for the creative strategies she employs to help marginalised learners develop the academic and personal skills necessary to become lifelong learners'.
One memorable moment for Helen was reading a student's notes for an assignment: I always had dreams but never thought I could actually achieve them, but here I am on my way there... The self-esteem that has surfaced from being part of STEPS has changed me as a person. I am still me, but a better me ... the me I was meant to be.
The ATLC also highlighted the work of CQUniversity Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning and Teaching Professor Rob Reed 'for developing engaging and effective resources to support student learning across the sciences'.
"The best aspect of my work is the interaction with students, especially when you see the work and dedication that some students put in to their studies and assignments... The ones who go 'beyond the textbook' [are] truly impressive," explained Professor Reed, about his Introductory Forensics course last year.
Rob's Practical Skills series of textbooks is used by over 100 universities world-wide, with strong positive feedback from students and staff.
"Our teachers set a very high standard which is regarded as amongst the best in Australia. Frequent and supportive interaction among CQUniversity teachers and students is critical to a good learning experience and positive results for everyone," added Vice-Chancellor Bowman.
"This is very exciting for CQUniversity. Judith, Helen and Rob are indeed, in so many ways, helping our students be what they want to be."