Nurturing Migrants Project sets example for regional communities
Published on 21 August, 2006
Over the past 7 months, 'Nurturing Migrants' project officers have been working to assist more than 40 migrants and their families to gain access to available social, education and health services in Rockhampton and district communities.
This partnership project with the Rockhampton City Council, Fitzroy Shire Council, Central Queensland Multicultural Association and key community leaders has identified needs among migrants. Multicultural Affairs Queensland and the Rotary Club of Rockhampton provide funds to the project.
Dr Sansnee Jirojwong and Dawn Hay, from CQU's School of Nursing and Health Studies, are both helping to lead the project.
Dr Jirojwong said many migrants have been able to gain employment, access English courses and settle in the communities.
She said migrants expressed their confidence and self-esteem after being linked to service organisations by the project officers.
"The Nurturing Migrants Project is setting an example of how to assist and retain skilled migrants, overseas and interstate migrants, and migrant families in Queensland regional areas," Dr Jirojwong said.
"Increasing numbers of skilled migrants will bring new challenges to communities and service providers.
"Having migrants who are a part of the community will bring new ways of thinking and doing and will increase the vibrancy of the community," she said.
For further information, please contact the Project Officers: Chrislyn Apellado at 0423 912 977 or Neeta Ferdous at 0421 898 412 or Rockhampton City Council LAMP Officer Maria Rickerrt at 07-4936 8368.
Photo: 'Nurturing Migrants' project officers (from left) Neeta Ferdous and Chrislyn Apellado.