Latest edition of online learning studies journal released
Published on 28 July, 2005
The latest edition of the online journal SLEID (Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development) has recently been released.
The journal (including archives of earlier editions) can be located at .
SLEID is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, international journal that supports emerging scholars and the development of evidence-based practice and that publishes research and scholarship about teaching and learning in formal, semi-formal and informal educational settings and sites.
The most recent issue presents papers from the Central Queensland University’s 2005 Teaching and Learning Showcase, held in February this year.
The theme of this special theme issue (and the Showcase) was on ‘Learning from Change’ and the papers in this issue present a variety of stories and research exploring this theme.
The guest editors for this edition (Phillipa Sturgess, Fons Nouwens, Jillian Litster and Leone Hinton) state in their editorial:.
"From the teacher, to the technology, to the institution, to the student, these articles represent a cross section of the issues that higher education practitioners are grappling with across the sector.
"We suggest that these articles support the idea that the day of the teacher who lives in the ‘ivory tower’ in a classroom isolated from the world is long gone and that modern university teachers, administrators and managers must engage with all these issues, and many more, in order to provide quality learning opportunities for our students.
"The articles gathered here show some of the ways in which one Australian regional university is responding to this rapidly changing world and we hope that you will find some commonality with the experiences and considerations described. We are all faced with the inevitability of change and ‘Sharing our stories’ is one way to ensure that we all learn from the experience.".
Photo: Phillipa Sturgess (sitting), Fons Nouwens and Jillian Litster view the latest edition of the SLEID online journal.