Thanks... from the heart
Published on 08 April, 2004
Several students from Wowan State Primary School sent thank-you letters to the CQU Rockhampton staff who informed and entertained them during a visit to CQU last month.
In her best cursive writing Lynette -- one of the young students -- wrote: "I'm starting to look forward to univeristy.".
CQU Recruitment officer and organizer, Tony Gubbins, with Biological Science staff Paul Graham and Nathan Green and Bachelor of Performing Arts lecturer Howard Cassidy all received a number of hand written, illustrated notes.
"I have been coordinating school visits for over 15 years and this is the first time I have received individual thank you letters from the participants." Mr Gubbins said.
Paul and Nathan Showed the students around the aquaculture centre and allowed them to feed the fish while Howard and some of his students amused them with a play in which the students participated.