All welcome at presentation by Japanese teachers
Published on 23 July, 2007
All interested people are welcome to attend a free presentation by 5 visiting primary school teachers from Japan, to be held at CQU Rockhampton on Monday August 13 from 11am-Noon.
These teachers are experienced in-service teachers from Komatsu City, Japan, where CQU's Bachelor of Learning Management (Japanese) students conduct their Portal Task every year.
The group will be spending 3 weeks at CQU to complete their professional development program. One of their learning tasks will require them to prepare a presentation in English to introduce Japanese schooling and present differences with Australian schools.
The venue will be in building 32/1.28. The event has been organised by Takahiro Yokoyama, the Lecturer and Program Leader in BLM (Japanese) for the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education.