Gladstone goes pink for breast cancer
Published on 26 October, 2007
Pink food, pink outfits and a pink scalp were all part of a Pink Ribbon fundraising effort at the Gladstone campus recently.
Staff purchased merchandise and held a lunchtime barbecue with pink desserts followed by the shaving of Building Officer, Dennis Simon's hair.
Dennis offered to shave his head if campus staff were able to raise $100. Staff raised $150 to witness the loss of Dennis' hair which left his scalp an appropriate shade of pink.
Further money was also made through the sales of soft drinks and a baby photo competition.
The amount raised by the Gladstone campus on the day was $378.55 and with some Pink Ribbon merchandise still to be sold, it is expected the campus will be able to donate over $400.
Karin Simon shaves Dennis Simon
Shaved for a cause