Wanted: Your submissions for UniNews
Published on 05 January, 2006
Your submissions of stories and photos for UniNews are welcome.
Stories of around 100-200 words are welcome which profile success of CQU staff, students and graduates and/or milestones in CQU projects and activities.
Emails containing 'dot-points' of the main facts and/or background documents are quite OK if you prefer.
Preference will be given to material of interest to a broad audience, but all submissions are welcome.
Photo submissions are encouraged by Email Jpeg attachment, with preference for high resolution files (at least 500kb in size).
Submissions for the UniNews events calendar are welcome, as long as they feature CQU activities of interest to a broad audience.
Classifieds can be lodged by those with a CQU staff email and will be approved as soon as possible at our end.
For details contact Marc Barnbaum or Priscilla Crighton via publicrelations@cqu.edu.au