Mackay's IT sector career paths 'a priority'
Published on 01 April, 2010
The information technology sector's continuing need for skilled employees has been given top priority by CQUniversity and the Mackay Information Technology Network (MITN).
The University and industry representative group this week (March 31) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at Mackay Campus to address skills shortages in the information technology sector.
The signing of the agreement strengthens regional partnerships and will provide opportunities for regular information exchange, professional development and authentic learning.
Dr Pierre Viljoen, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Community and Engagement) and Head of Mackay Campus, welcomed the opportunity for the University to work with MITN to enhance regional career prospects.
"Our intention is to strengthen regional engagement opportunities to explore ways to create benefit for the broader Mackay regional community.
"The Mackay region is experiencing skills shortages in many occupations and through partnering agreements we are able to encourage people to study locally and enhance the likelihood of graduates continuing to work in the region," Dr Viljoen said.
"This initiative coordinated by the Faculty of Arts, Business, Information and Education staff, Robyn Collins and Maree Franettovich, is an excellent opportunity illustrating how the University can work with community and their contributions are greatly appreciated."
MITN President Geoff Fleming said ICT is an important industry in its own right, employing over 500,000 people nationally, and it's a fundamental enabler of growth in other industry sectors.
"A very important step in achieving regional industry growth is to develop a skilled and qualified regional workforce to sustain the industry. That means attracting students into ICT careers, giving them high quality educational opportunities, and providing career paths to retain them in our region."
"The Partnering Agreement with CQUniversity is part of this strategy. MITN is undertaking to help the University increase the quantity and quality of ICT graduates through initiatives such as academic awards, industry input to courses, student work placements and careers advice. The University and MITN have cooperated informally in the past, and the Agreement formalises that interaction and provides a framework within which we can work towards our common goals."
Geoff Fleming and Dr Viljoen signing the agreement
Ricky Prout (Vice-President, MITN), Geoff Fleming (President, MITN), Dr Pierre Viljoen, Lisa Soon (CQUniversity IT Lecturer and MITN Committee member).