Visitor from UK to discuss legacy from mega sports events
Published on 06 May, 2010
All are welcome at a free presentation about the potential legacy from mega sports events.
The presentation on A sustainable sports development legacy: Olympic promise or Olympic dream? will be from 12.30pm-1.30pm on Friday, May 14, in the Exercise and Sports' Science lecture room at the CQ Community Sports Centre on CQUniversity Rockhampton Campus.
Kate Hughes balances her research and sporting interests
Presenter Katharine (Kate) Hughes is an academic who also has a strong sporting pedigree. She has represented England at golf and was one of the first female football reporters, earlier in her career.
Nowadays she is a PhD centenary scholar with the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds.
The presentation will be hosted by The Institute for Health and Social Science Research (IHSSR) together with the School for Medical & Applied Sciences.
Kate Hughes has worked in sport for over 25 years. An early background in education changed direction as she became involved in sport media and management. Kate's research interest in legacy development originates from her work associated with the Commonwealth Games 2002 for Sport England and the Women's Euro 2005 legacy program. She was also involved in the development of Podium - the Further and Higher Education Unit for the London 2012 Games.
For more details contact Danya Hodgetts via .