CQUniversity Q&A
Published on 25 June, 2008
CQUniversity Q&A with Mike Donahue, Corporate Communications Manager
Q: Why go through this? What's the point of changing a logo? You're still the same uni...
A: Actually what we're also announcing is a fresh way of operating and doing business. The logo is one way of expressing that... For
example, we're introducing new management information systems so we can better service our students. We're doing a major
overhaul to our web resources, we've established a new customer service division... but most importantly we have committed
ourselves to a set of values that places individual students, customers, and partners at the centre of what we do. The only way we
can help you be what you want to be is if we understand your environment and your situation, learn more about you and interact
with you so we understand your story - your circumstances, your goals - and we're working to do that.
Q: How much will this makeover cost?
A: The investment in CQUniversity is part of a long-term strategy to increase the number of students at the University, improve our
course offerings and enhance our level of service and is largely integrated with our general operating costs. In 2007
CQUniversity was a $250-million-dollar-a-year operation. Approximately $250 000, or a tenth of a percent, was invested in
market research relating to the development of CQUniversity. The marketing of the new imagery (which will be spread over 18
months) is part of our overall marketing cost, and that accounts for about 2 to 2.5% of our operating costs, annually.
Q: When will we start seeing the change?
A: You'll start seeing the rollout of the CQUniversity imagery this week. We've made changes to the website already, but not all of
it. It's enormous, about 250 000 pages, but about 60% reflects the new look and feel of CQUniversity. It will take us months to
get through the other pages. Billboards along roads in Central Queensland are changing this week and next month. You'll hear
some radio ads and see some TV ads in a couple of weeks. Some temporary signage will go up on campuses right away, but it's
going to take about 18 months to implement and complete a changeover to new imagery, including new campus signage.
CQUniversity has ten learning sites across three states. It would be impossible to do overnight and this schedule allows us to keep
the costs down on integrating the re-branding.
Q: What's was wrong with the old brand?
A: Half of the University's operations occur outside of Central Queensland. We're very much a national university, operating in
South East Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and we have students overseas. So, ‘Central Queensland' as a name is not
very relevant to all of our students and customers or prospective students. But we're based here, and Central Queensland is the
core of who we are, so we wanted to retain our strong, proud, grounding in CQ. We wanted ‘Australia' to be prominent on our
imagery because we do operate nationally. Also, internationally, the ‘Australia' brand is highly valued and has a very positive
image. We also made the word ‘University' bolder and larger to increase our emphasis on Research and Learning & Teaching
We believe the new brand will improve our visibility across the areas where we operate. The CQUniversity story is one of
extraordinary teaching combined with research excellence, alumni achievement and student life has not been told enough. This
new brand will help create more awareness of the fact that CQUniversity is a top university that is relevant and accessible to all
people. A clearer image should help strengthen our reputation to help us to continue to recruit and retain the best students and
staff. We also hope that it contributes to an increased understanding and appreciation among business and opinion leaders of the
value this University delivers to Central Queensland and the nation.
Q: Who had input into the new brand?
A: 4775 students, staff, prospective students and stakeholders were surveyed and interviewed in 2007. We also examined the
process that prospective students go through in selecting universities as well as brand positioning messages.
Q: How will the CQUniversity Brand help recruit students?
A: It obviously takes more than a different and distinctive logo to recruit students. But CQUniversity is about a different way of
operating and doing business. The logo as part of our CQUniversity Brand helps us express that. And the brand advertising,
media relations, marketing, special events and other efforts we're doing will help create awareness of why CQUniversity should
be a student's first choice. We want more prospective students to consider the benefits of studying at CQUniversity over another