Japan Day brings together 100 language students
Published on 31 July, 2008
CQUniversity Rockhampton has hosted a ‘Japan Day' (July 31), involving local and Gladstone-based Japanese language students and linking with people in Japan.
The event featured Japanese cultural activities (including Kendo displays), videoconferencing with Japanese people and discussion of study and career options.
L-R Rocky High students Marnie Laidlaw, Savanna Bethune and Martika Seiler enjoyed the Kendo
CQUniversity's Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Learning Management (Japanese) Takahiro Yokoyama said he hoped the event would motivate students and help them establish their personal goals.
Students had a fighting chance
The day was a 'hit'
L-R Rocky High students Marnie Laidlaw, Savanna Bethune and Martika Seiler enjoyed the Kendo