Grammar prevails in CQU High Schools Science Quiz
Published on 17 August, 2006
Teams from 7 Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast schools contested the 2006 CQU High Schools Science Quiz held on Wednesday evening as part of the University’s celebration of Science Week.
Following tightly contested preliminary rounds and knockout semi-finals, the team of the Rockhampton Grammar School prevailed over that of Emmaus College.
As in past years, the depth and breadth of student knowledge, combined with the demonstration of problem solving skills, is a credit to all associated with the teaching of science in Central Queensland.
Photo (above): The Rockhampton Grammar School winning team – (L to R) Ellen Bos (Yr 10), Arutchelvan Manickam (Yr 12 and Captain), Jack Piggott (Yr 11).
Photo (below): Dr Bob Newby (Head of School, Biological and Environmental Sciences) presents Ellen Bos (Gr 10) with her winners’ prize.