Workshop links smart technology and beef production
Published on 25 October, 2005
Central Queensland University has linked with Rockhampton Regional Development to present an agri-business workshop for the region’s beef industry.
The SMART Technology for the Beef Industry 2005 workshop was held on Thursday October 27 at the Leichardt Hotel in Rockhampton.
Rockhampton Regional Development Acting Chief Executive Anton Booysen said the workshop brought together local beef producers, technology providers and researchers and technology entrepreneurs to discuss exciting technology applications related to on-farm production and off-farm processing.
“Broadband and mobile data applications were discussed with a focus on linking the cattle yards to the homestead. The workshop considered opportunities to improve on-farm management techniques through greater access to data and better integration of paddock to plate information processes,” Mr Booysen said.
The workshop was sponsored by CQU, Queensland Government and AAPT.
For more information contact Rockhampton Regional Development on 4927 0292.