Gladstone launches Careers Information Centre
Published on 29 April, 2010
The Careers Information Centre - Gladstone is a community-based project established at CQUniversity Gladstone in partnership with a variety of industry, business, education and training partners from the local region...
LINK TO Resource region's drive for seamless career pathways gains traction
This new centre aims to give community residents access to information and advice they can use to initiate and/or further their careers. It was officially opened recently (April 21) by Federal MP Chris Trevor and CQUniversity Pro Vice-Chancellor (Community and Engagement) Dr Pierre Viljoen, in the presence of other politicians and community leaders.
Our 'Gold' partners in this project include: Rio Tinto Alcan, Queensland Energy Resources (QER), QGC, Education Queensland, Catholic Education, Central Qld Institute of TAFE (CQIT), EQIP (Education Qld & Industry partners), GAGAL (Gladstone Area Group Apprentices Ltd), Gladstone Ports Corporation, Gladstone Observer and of course CQUniversity.
According to Pathways Facilitator Richard Ward, "the aim is to not duplicate or replace what already exists in our community but importantly link visitors to our centre with existing services and agencies".
"Visitors to the centre can access information via interactive touch-screen, the web, brochures/flyers as well pathways advice from a member of GReEn Careers*."
* The resource-rich CQ region's drive for seamless engineering and mining career pathways is gaining traction, with initiatives starting to flow from 2 key entities created for the task.
The Pathways Project facilitators are now in place for Mining Careers Mackay (MCM) and Gladstone Region Engineering Careers (GReEn Careers), hosted at the respective CQUniversity campuses, with the Pathways Project Unit directed by Associate Professor Col Greensill.