Queensland councils flying in face of public opinion on fluoridation
Published on 04 December, 2006
Most Queensland councils have resisted fluoridation of drinking water despite overwhelming public support for the move.
A new study shows a significant majority of Queenslanders support fluoridation (76.7%), believe it is safe (83.6%) and believe it is effective in prevention of tooth decay (86.3%).
The results have come in the recent 2006 Queensland Social Survey (QSS) conducted by the Population Research Laboratory at Central Queensland University.
The QSS is an annual omnibus survey completed using computer-assisted-telephone-interview (CATI) technology using a representative sample of the Queensland population. The survey and sampling techniques utilised provide responses with an estimated level of accuracy of 1 2.7%.
QSS spokesperson Professor Kerry Mummery said support for fluoridation was relatively consistent across the State, although higher income residents and those in urban areas tended to be more supportive.
The CQU survey of opinions on fluoridation has sparked substantial interest from broadcast and print media organisations throughout Queensland.