Nepalese student joins Aussies for aviation exchange in South Korea
Published on 16 June, 2011
Pratik Pokharel came all the way from Nepal to student Aviation at CQUniversity Bundaberg*. Now he's heading back to Asia to join three Australian students for a month-long exchange in South Korea.
The Australian participants are Keegan Soffe, Harrison Walters and Jasper Leschke. All four will attend the annual Korea Aerospace University International Summer Program from June 20-July 15.
An image from last year's KAU event in South Korea
Senior Lecturer Ron Bishop says this is a great opportunity for the Bachelor of Aviation students, who will complete the equivalent of two university units in just four weeks.
Mr Bishop said two Korean students would come to CQUniversity soon as part of the exchange.
KAU is supported by Korean Air and is the only university in Korea which specializes in cutting-edge aviation and aerospace technologies and management.
* The Aviation degree is offered by distance education but is based at Bundaberg Campus.