CQU Reconciliation Group involved in National Day of Healing
Published on 11 May, 2005
The CQU Reconciliation Group, the Department of Communities, the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Rockhampton City Council are organising a community event.
All interested people are welcome at the Rockhampton observance of the National Day of Healing, formerly known as Sorry Day.
This day has been the annual focus for the Journey of Healing for the Stolen Generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
It will be held from Noon-2pm on Thursday, May 26, at Bencke Park Rockhampton (next to the old bridge).
The Reconciliation Group believes all Australians need to understand why Indigenous culture is unable to thrive alongside western culture in Australia.
On Sorry Days, the stolen generations have shared their stories of forcible removal and its effects, and that has opened the eyes of many people.
This event is a chance for the people of Rockhampton to meet and exchange our own local stories and encourage understanding on the road to reconciliation.
Come along and enjoy the didgeridoo music, stories, smoking ceremony and speakers on the topic of “Reconciliation and my organisation – now and in the future".
Lunch will be available and a range of Journey of Healing merchandise will be for sale. There will be T-Shirts, CDs, Posters, and badges and silk hibiscus flowers which are the new national emblem of the stolen generation. The family history group will have a display.
If healing and reconciliation is to come, it will come through a grass-roots movement of people who feel each other's pain and commit themselves to work for justice. The National Day of Healing aims to raise awareness and understanding of the issues involved.
RSVP for catering for lunch to Michelle on 4930 9249 or email m.ivey@cqu.edu.au .