Parents welcome at calm home/calm children event
Published on 19 May, 2005
Brisbane-based early childhood specialist Andrea Ashford will present a ‘calm home/calm children’ workshop for parents from 7.30pm on Friday, May 20.
The event will be held at the CQU Ron Smyth (early childhood) building at 240 Quay Street (near the ABC Studio).
To book a seat or ask queries call Naomi Johns on 4922 0852.
This event has been arranged by the newly reformed local branch of the Early Childhood Teachers Association as part of Under 8s Week celebrations.
The topic acknowledges the importance of the contribution parents make to the education and development of young children.
Ms Ashford will also conduct a Saturday morning workshop for early childhood teachers.
ENDS For details call Gillian Busch via 4922 0589.