Bundy toad race helps students hop into Orientation
Published on 28 February, 2007
Toad racing, poker and fencing are not normally considered to be academic pursuits, but that didn’t stop new students at CQU Bundaberg from enjoying the fun.
Toad racing sounded so much better than line dancing to Jade Hart, enrolled in the Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary) – and just as well.
Her toad ‘Bluey’ won the first and second heats for the toad racing and earned Ms Hart $100 in funny money – a prize that will help her bid on a bigger prize at the grand auction, traditionally the last event on the O-Week calendar.
Ms Hart said dealing with Bluey has helped prepare her for a teaching career.
“They jump around a fair bit, just like young kids".
Photo: Toad race winner Jade Hart with campus staff member Daniel Draney.