Karena offers radio listeners food for thought
Published on 10 February, 2011
CQUniversity's Dr Karena Burke has collaborated with Rockhampton's Radio 4YOU to produce 30 weeks of programs about healthy eating habits, under the 'Food for Thought' theme.
The Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow* and radio host Barrie Eggleston took the approach of walking through a supermarket, discussing each section in turn.
Dr Karena Burke has contributed to a Friday food program on radio
"The common themes are additives, fat, salt and sugar content, as well as the influence of different types of food on aspects of health and behaviour - particularly for kids, and the links between ADHD, and other disorders to different types of food, food intolerances etc," Karena says.
The radio project was a finalist in the recent University Opal Awards for community engagement.
You can tune in to Karena and Barrie on Radio 4YOU at 98.5 FM each Friday at 8.45am, starting from February 18.
* Karena is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Institute for Health and Social Science Research.