10,000 Steps poster presentation earns award
Published on 01 November, 2006
CQU Rockhampton's Anetta Hinchliffe was awarded the Australian Sports Medicine Federation Fellow Award for the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport Best Poster Presentation during the recent Sports Medicine Australia Conference in Fiji.
Ms Hinchliffe's poster was entitled 'Applying usability testing techniques to improve an interactive physical activity website: The case of 10,000 Steps'.
This presentation reflects the research she has completed as part of her Honours Degree in Human Movement Science. The award included a certificate and a $500 cash award.
Ms Hinchliffe's poster was co-authored by Professor Kerry Mummery.
During the same conference, Professor Mummery received a certificate for his acceptance as a Fellow of the Australian Sports Medicine Federation (FASMF). The Order of A.S.M.F Fellows was established in 1984 as the elite group within Sports Medicine Australia.
ASMF Fellows have contributed by being a full member for 7 years, attending Australian and international conferences, having research published in national or international publications, obtaining higher tertiary qualifications, assisting in the administration of SMA projects and lecturing at workshops.
The broad objectives of the Fellows are:.
- promote excellence in the field of sports medicine.
- encourage young members' research and scientific endeavours.
- recognise the contibution of members to SMA.
Photos: Award winner Anetta Hinchliffe with her poster and with other CQU conference goers suitably dressed for the Fiji conference (left to right) Brendan Humphries, Mitchell Duncan, Kerry Mummery, Kelly Joyner and Danya Hodgetts. The CQU participants were 'unofficially' recognised as best-dressed at the event.