Students investigate crime scenes
Published on 12 December, 2002
CQU’s School of Chemical & Biomedical Science has offered a new course called Introduction to Forensic Science in this Spring/Summer term.
Head of School and course coordinator Associate Professor Graham Pegg was delighted with the student response.
“Almost 60 students enrolled in the course and more than half of these students elected to undertake the optional residential school held at CQU Rockhampton Campus last week,” Professor Pegg said.
The culmination of the three-day residential school was a mock crime scene analysis where students had to collect evidence from a murder scene and deduce which of two suspects might have committed the crime.
“Nursing, Education and Science students have all enjoyed the practical work involving fingerprinting, analysis of inks and lipstick dyes, marijuana identification, fibres analysis, gunshot residues, detection of semen stains and basic forensic DNA techniques,” he said.
Dr Pegg was particularly pleased that significant student groups travelled from Bundaberg and Mackay for the residential school.
“Forensic nursing is a newly developing area and we hope to get more into this in future years,” he said.
Introduction to Forensic Science is designed as a broad appeal introduction to the field and has no-prerequistes. It is offered by flexible delivery.