Academic to help judge nation's most prestigious journalism awards
Published on 02 June, 2008
CQU Associate Professor Donna Lee Brien is proud to have been invited to help judge the Walkley Non Fiction Book Awards - considered as Australia's most prestigious journalism awards.
The winner will join the ranks of Chris Masters (Jonestown) and Neil Chenoweth (Packer's Lunch).
Donna Lee Brien - invited to judge prestigious awards
This unique Walkley Literary Award celebrates excellence in non-fiction literature and is open to Australian journalists or writers whose work was published in the year from September 1, 2007, to August 31, 2008. Details are at: .
Dr Brien, Head of CQU's School of Arts and Creative Enterprise, is currently in Canberra on an ANU Research School of Humanities Research Fellowship (until the end of August).
Donna is herself a professional author who specialises in creative non-fiction and who is known for her Girl's Guide series for Allen & Unwin.