Uni students gain 'work ready' skills
Published on 04 June, 2003
CQU’s Careers Service has created a Student Work Experience program to equip students with better ‘work ready’ skills and to offer opportunities to utilise theory gained in their coursework.
According to Katrina Schipper, the program takes a holistic approach to give students a range of experiences and education inputs.
“It furnishes them with much more than just theoretical preparation for work skills,” she said.
A total of 15 candidates have been selected for the program run by CQU Careers Service, a division of Staff and Student Services.
They include a mix of recent school leavers, mature-age students and international students from countries including Burma, Kenya, Fiji, the Torres Strait islands and the United States.
The program will continue during the Autumn and Winter terms.
Last year's piolot program saw students creating posters, websites and programs for evaluation data. They updated information on careers software, maintain brochure displays and library resources and provided admin support for the Golden Key Honour Society.
This year students will initially be involved in basic administration tasks at Counsellling, Careers and Health, then graduating into tasks that would mirror their professions. Some students have already been involved in marketing, research, organisation of events and maintenance of the CQU website.