Regular reunions a right royal tradition
Published on 11 June, 2009
Some of our former journalism students from the mid-1980s have established a tradition, holding reunions in their respective home towns on a rotating basis every 5 years or so, on Queen's Birthday weekends.
This year marked not only 25 years since they were at Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education (our predecessor institution) but also the first of the reunions to be held in Rockhampton.
Hence, their fellowship included a CQUniversity campus tour and a visit to Capricornia College to revive old memories. The graduates were warmly welcomed and hosted by our Office of Development and Graduate Relations.
Thanks to archival help from Belinda Loakes, they were able to view a display of college materials relevant to their time on campus.
[Capricornia College will also be the focus of a flood of memories on June 20, when it hosts a 40th Anniversary Reunion dinner.]
The Queen's Birthday buddies now live in Darwin, Hobart, Brisbane, Wollongong, Rockhampton and Adelaide.
Pictured left to right, they include Julian Ricci (Northern Territory News Editor), Kerry Schelks (now at Illawarra Mercury), David Donohue (who runs the Queensland Corporate Communications Network), Lorraine Lowcock (now a Senior Information Services Librarian for Ergon Energy in Rockhampton), Ian Grayson (an IT journalist with The Australian newspaper), Bronwyn Fletcher (Senior Communications Officer for Queensland Public Service - Dept of Environment) and Sandy Venn-Brown (Director of Workplace Health and Safety, Dept of Community Safety in Brisbane).