Computational approach used to deal with financial market uncertainties
Published on 05 August, 2003
Uncertainty in the financial markets may be a problem of the past should the research findings of a new successful PhD thesis become common practice.
Central Queensland University computer scientist Dr Galina Korotkikh said outdated models, currently used by financial advisers, did not reflect real-life practices. “The last decade influx of physicists into the Wall Street started to pay off as their methods used for quantum complex systems surprisingly showed a new picture of financial markets,” she said.
“The old systems are inadequate for dealing with financial markets and often the investment is done blindly because the advisers do not have means to see and understand the picture.” “My research aimed to provide the tools to see the images of the financial markets.” “Current practices do not give sound advice to retirees or people wishing to invest their life-savings.” She recommended advisers be open to the new situation and not rely on old data, intuition and linear models when offering advice to investors. “My research has identified the need for applying a new approach to calculating and analysing market situations.” Dr Korotkikh used a computational approach to characterise and quantify non-random modes of the financial market.
Photo caption: Central Queensland University computer scientist has discovered a new way of successfully examining financial markets.