Applications invited for Regional Centre of the Arts funding
Published on 21 August, 2008
CQUniversity's Regional Centre of the Arts encourages the development of all forms of the Arts in Central Queensland.
The Centre provides a liaison role between CQUniversity and the Arts communities of Central Queensland and recommends to the Vice-Chancellor proposed budgets for grants to support approved arts projects.
Projects which can demonstrate benefits to a number of CQUniversity campuses and their respective communities may receive priority. The Centre endeavours to balance support amongst all art forms, with support to new or emerging initiatives being a priority.
Arts project managers are invited to submit applications for funding for projects in 2008 that satisfy the conditions for funding.
Requirements for applications, funding conditions and Application for Funding coversheets are available from the RCotA website,, or from Anne Harzer, RCotA Administrator, on 4923 2308.
Applications using the Application for Funding form available on the website must be lodged by close of business on October 3, 2008.