CQUniversity Library comes up trumps
Published on 19 November, 2009
CQUniversity Library has come up trumps in the Biennial Library Client Perception Survey - the overall satisfaction level was 82.2%, which represents a new benchmark high for the 38 Australian and New Zealand university libraries that have undertaken the survey.
The survey focuses on 5 priority categories - Communications, Service Delivery, Facilities and Equipment, Library Staff and Information Resources.
CQUniversity Library performed highly in all categories and set new benchmarks in Information Resources, Facilities and Equipment and Communication.
Participants gave thumbs up to the user-friendly library catalogue, to on-line resources such as e-journals, databases, and e-books, and to course resources on-line.
Graham Black, Director Division of Library and Academic Learning Services commented, "Setting a new Australasian benchmark for client satisfaction is a real achievement for CQUniversity Library.
"The result reflects the focus, time, and effort all staff across the 9 CQUniversity libraries dedicate to providing resources and services to our students and staff.
"While the result is very good we won't be resting on our laurels. There are always improvements we can make. For the next couple of years we'll be focussing on improving the services and support we offer to our distance and flex students. By doing so we expect there will be positive spin-offs for all students."
To view the results of the 2009 and earlier Library Client surveys visit http://content.cqu.edu.au/FCWViewer/view.do?page=6929.