UniNews survey now accessible
Published on 05 November, 2007
UniNews, CQU's on-line news and weekly information service, is conducting a survey of its website, the results of which will be used to enhance features and make UniNews more relevant and meaningful to you.
We were able to resolve the problems relating to the host server of this study.
For those that were able to complete the interview successfully, your answers have been saved and you can ignore this message. Thank you for your participation!
For all those that were 'timed out' we sincerely apologise for this and hope that you will find the time to complete the interview once more! We certainly appreciate your time and effort!
The Survey at:
will take approximately 4 to 8 minutes to complete.
The UniNews site was most recently updated in March 2007. You will be asked to consider creative and design elements as well as news stories and other editorial features.
Your participation is welcome and appreciated.
Those completing the survey will be eligible to go into a draw for a new iPod. The survey closes November 30 and the draw will take place on December 10.