Examples of GECon projects include
Published on 18 June, 2009
- Mr Scott Greenhalgh - Hazards in the Use of Scaffold Components as an Anchor Point for Harness Attachment to Prevent Fall from Height off Scaffold
- Miss Celisa Wilschefski - Mount Larcom Water Supply Infrastructure Proposal
- Miss Jodie O'Donohoe - Earthing and Lightning Protection System Design for Kestrel Mine Extension
- Mr Graham Daniels - Possible Methods to Mitigate Major Flooding in Emerald
- Mr Darryl Riemer - Design of an Overtaking Lane at a Section of the Bruce Highway
- Mr Joshua Amos - Biofuels - A Comparative Study and Simulation of Biodiesel Fuels for Engine Performance and Emissions
- Mr Nathan Sorensen - Remote Level Crossing Controller